Your Local Community Centre


GRACE Aid (Greenwich Refugee Aid and Community Enterprise)

GRACE Aid is a charity providing aid for people in need – in particular those displaced by war, political upheaval, slave trafficking and domestic abuse.

GRACE’s community shop in the Leegate Centre sells clothing and other donated goods direct to the public. It also hosts visits from clients referred for support by community groups and council services.

This scheme – described as “a foodbank for non-food items” – allows clients to shop at no cost for clothing, sanitary items, children’s toys and household items.

  • Local partner organisations are encouraged to refer suitable clients for support. For details, contact:

  • GRACE’s charity shop is at 18 Leegate SE12 8SS. Open Tuesdays-Fridays 9.30am-2pm.
  • GRACE welcomes donations of adults’ and children’s casual clothing and footwear in good condition; bric-a-brac; good quality kitchenware; books; complete toys and games. Ask in the shop or check Facebook for details.

Lee Forum

Lee Forum is a group of local volunteers, supported by Lewisham and Greenwich councils, to improve Lee’s social, environmental and economic wellbeing.

We work, for example, to support and protect our local traders, community facilities and heritage, and to address problems such as derelict and empty buildings, land-banked green spaces, flytipping, inappropriate development, accessibility, road safety and public transport deficits. We are guided by Lee’s Neighbourhood Plan which reflects the local community’s aspirations for Lee as expressed through consultation. More details at

Membership is free, and open to all who live, work, or have an interest in the area. We are always looking for new volunteers, so please get in touch:

FUSS (Friends & Users of Staplehurst Shops)

FUSS was formed about twenty years ago by a group of local residents and a few local businesses. The aim was to raise the profile of what was a fairly run-down area north of Hither Green Station around Staplehurst Road.

This has largely been focused on providing and maintaining street planters that are changed at least twice a year. Other work has been conducted, often in partnership, with Hither Green Community Association. This has included funding local artists mural work, and a history project in the approach to the railway station. FUSS has also acted as an advisory group: monitoring rubbish collections; pressing for bus shelters; bidding for seating for shoppers; planting additional trees; refurbishing some festive lights and helping another voluntary group.

This work is funded through bids to the local Neighbourhood funds and the organisation of a smallish craft fair in a local hall and the major street FUSS Christmas Fair in early December each year that gives scope to local artisans and musicians.

Contact:; or

Support and Self Advocacy Service

We aim to support any local resident who is having any kind of crisis by helping them to look at their problem or problems and either coming up with a solution or signposting them to a service that can support them.

We have successfully supported people (families, couples or single people) who are:-

  •  in danger of losing their home
  • in rent arrears / debt
  • struggling on a low income / have no income
  • having landlord or disrepair problems
  • feeling depressed due to losing a loved one
  • experiencing a mental health problem and are not sure where to turn
  • having problems talking to their GP about a health problem, including chronic illness
  • being sanctioned by the Job Centre
  • having problems filling out a form – including benefits and appeals
  • having relationship problems – husband / wife, children, neighbours, etc
  • feeling lonely and lacking energy to go out
  • having problems at work or school / college

We offer a professional, confidential service which is delivered by trained staff who have experience of working in social care and mental health.

This service runs on Thursdays from 10:30 to 5.00pm at Lee Green Community Centre.

You can drop in to make an appointment whenever the community centre is open or call us on 0207 998 1004 / email We can also offer phone support for residents who cannot leave their home.

No problem is too big or too small and if we can’t help you, we probably know someone who can!

Lee Fair Share

For several years Lee Fair Share’s theme has been Health and Well-Being, taking the holistic view – including mind, body and spirit. The First Aid course proved extremely successful with over 20 people attending.

The Pilates classes have continued and Lee Fair Share hoped to facilitate a Chair Exercise for elders after Coffee, Cake and Company but unfortunately we have been unable to find a qualified tutor.

Lee Fair Share runs two walking group for the Lee Green Community: the Monday afternoon Tortoise Stroll around Leegate for the less able with mobility problems, and the Hare Walk on Thursday afternoons, walking faster and further afield. Thanks go to Linda Mallory who continues to be a support at Coffee, Cake and Company and Lee Green Lives for supporting the Lee Fair Share activities.

Lorraine Spenceley

Lee Manor Society

Lee Manor Society takes an active interest in the Lee Manor Conservation area and its immediate surroundings which include Lee Green and Leegate.

We have positively supported the Lee Green Community Centre from the outset and some of our members have contributed time and energy to the work of the Centre’s Committee (Trustees).  We have also valued our access to the Community Centre facilities for our occasional evening meetings – it is readily accessible, conveniently local and is offered at a very reasonable rate – a surprisingly rare mix of attributes in the locality!

The Society actively supports the move to establish the Community Centre as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and some of our members have offered their services as Trustees of the new organisation when it comes into being.

Ralph White

Seniors’ exercise class

It’s fun to keep fit in your later years says class coordinator Jean Lee

Lee Green seniors’ exercise group is a growing, welcoming and fun place to be, it brings the local community together, not only to participate in exercising but also to make new friends.

The class is very diverse in culture and ability including wheelchair users who attend with their carers and I’m told look forward attending each week.

The Group has grown immensely which is great news but unsafe for seniors exercising therefore Shirley and I have decided for safety reasons to split the group into two, first group 10-10.45am and 11-11.45am , which is working very well.

Some thoughts from two of our members:
Mrs Figges:
I must say, it’s just as good now as it was the first day we started! The trouble is, it’s so popular, Jean has had to divide the class into two, the first at 9.30am and the other at 10.30, which is much safer because there is enough room to move about without moving into some other person’s space. So now Jean takes two classes, and everyone is happy! Jean is such a good teacher.

It’s good to have this regular and much-needed exercise class for elderly people so close to home and to meet the same friendly people each week.
The class is well- planned and the exercises make us aware of various aspects of keeping fit: strength, balance, mobility, co-ordination, memory, stamina, stretching etc. The demands of a large class in a limited space made it difficult and unsettled for a while for all of us. A smaller group now means there are no longer any interruptions, the teacher can observe properly and everyone’s needs can be catered for. I feel the teacher knows us well, recognises our individual capabilities and can offer encouragement when energies are flagging! Reliable and knowledgeable teaching and genuine warmth and friendliness make this a very happy and worthwhile class.

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